
Coaching and mentoring that reinforces and builds on clients’ strengths and capabilities is one that frequently leads to positive, sustained results. Sotica uses such an approach to coaching and mentoring to enable clients to:

  • review and reframe their personal perceptions;
  • better analyse their contexts and actions;
  • increase their awareness of the influential dynamics in their organisational systems; and
  • identify new possible actions and fresh solutions.

Clients frequently exhibit a stronger connection to their passion and intrinsic motivators and a renewed sense of empowerment. Consequently, their ability to contribute to organisations and communities is re-energised.

Sotica can assist your organisation’s leaders, managers and supervisors to navigate problematic scenarios andĀ improve their personal and organisational effectiveness and performance. Contact Sotica via email, or phone (0414394939) to discuss either a one month or a three month coaching and mentoring arrangement.


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